Wednesday 6 March 2013


As I allow myself to travel around my imagination, I met some strange creatures along the way. They kept me company as I roam. Each of them have such strong personalities. They sit for me so I can complete some portraits of them. We exchange information about each other, or favourite time of day, what we would most like to see if the rules of logic did not apply, our favourite stories and such.
I also like to do landscape paintings as a way to document my time here. As I search, every day getting closer to the centre of my mind, I am happy because I have been able to find a place that I can go when times get tough. I know that I can always rely on this brilliantly colourful world to heal wounds or to keep me company when I am feeling lonely. It is a place where I can go for a second while I am waiting in a line or where I can stay for hours.
This body of work was a way to document my imagination. A way to describe to the outside world what goes on inside my brain. Through an abundance of external inspiration, such as animated television shows, outsider artists, overheard conversations and comic books, I developed a world which I became extremely familiar with and fond of. I would constantly catch myself drifting away to this same place most days, being comforted by the brilliant light and colour which revealed itself to me. Though not at all a new idea, I always found imaginary far away places to be a highly successful way of entertainment. I always gravitated towards books, films, or even music which explored a whole new world that had different logic to ours. A logic that never really had to be explained because it was what was the norm.

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