This concept refers to the Cost of Horror exhibition that I have been invited to show work in for their April show at Goodtimes studios by the creative Jake Treacy, Chloe Grace and Pat McBain. The group concept (Thought of by the beautiful Pat McBain) revolves around the end of the Mayan calendar which occurs at the end of 2012. Apocalypse and the end of the world are the themes.
I have chosen to look at the outcome of the end of the world and the more scientific aspect of that. My theory (purely based on imagination and the possibilities of myths) explores the environmental shift of the planet where a high level of sulfate is drawn from the ground and covers the planets surface. Because of salts capabilities of absorption, this will result in all living things being absorbed of their life juices and crystallized in sparkling fossil like tombs. It is a thought not built on negativity, nor positivity. It is one of change and evolution.
here are some sketches i have produced to help me further my concept:
cost of horror facebook page
Copyright Erika de Vos